By Philippe Kaddouch
60min / 1 Online Training session
1 TRAINING - Chf 180,00
10 TRAINING - Chf 1’500,00
Constant Training wherever you are …
Philippe's online krav maga training is the perfect solution to fit krav maga into my international lifestyle. Throughout the year I am in many different countries. This makes it difficult to continue my krav maga training, as anyone who experience Philippe Kaddouch's krav maga knows that any other krav maga training is insufficient. Philippe's very affordable 45 minute remote training over Zoom is excellent. The benefit is he can analyse techniques from different angles which can offer more insights into improvement. His world master krav coaching is not lost through video training. His analysis, teaching and insights are just as exceptional through Zoom as they are in person. Normally if I return to training after a 6 month pause, I find I need to train hard to get back to the level I was. With 1 on 1 weekly krav maga sessions, not only could I maintain my level in krav maga, but I was able to make massive improvements! If you have a punch bag (I use a Century Bob) and the space to train, I whole heartedly recommend krav maga video training with Philippe for any time you are not able to attend in person training. Plus, it's a great weekly workout tool
Daniel Golding